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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Can I have my ovaries back?

It seems like every other political story has to do with my ovaries. I am being serious. I am seeing birth control, abortion, unwed mothers, all over the political blogs and stories. I keep waiting for some big explanation of why my reproductive health choices matter to these men. My husband is not as interested in my choices as they seem to be. There seems to be a study somewhere the correlates sexual promiscuity and birth control. I really missed the day that women made the choice to sleep around because of a little pill. Can anyone tell me the date of the article so I can look it up. When did the AMA and surgeon general declare that birth control taking women were sluts? I really want to know because I do not want to feel like I am being overly sensitive. The funny part of it to me is that this a religious objection. This is a moral objection. This is a matter of restoring family values to a lost society. This is about preserving families. Now I am a minister. I have been one for almost 7 years and I cannot point to scripture that states birth control will send you to hell. If that's the case I can close my bible, stop heading to church, and stand by for earth to open up and swallow me. I have tried birth control on several different occasions. Never really liked the way it made me feel. The weight gain, hormonal roller coaster, and the cost made it unappealling to me. So I guess that means I should have been virginal once I came off the pill. Hahahaha that's funny. Pill, IUD, condom, and a lot of others was not the cause of my sexual exploration. I liked sex. It was fun, easy, and a great time filler. (In case you have not guessed I am a reformed "slut") I want to understand why is this a hot button issue. I pay roughly $350.00 a month for healthcare through my job. My plan covers well baby check ups and vaccines free of charge. The last time I had a baby the charges totaled almost $10000. That is one baby with no complications. It seems a heck of a lot cheaper to give me a few pills a month and call us even then spend 18years shelling out thousands for care. I have three very active boys, one of which tried to jump from 14 feet up a feet days ago. I do not want to sound dismissive of the religious objections. I do not want to belittle these Sadducees as they enforce the religious doctrine. We must have our religious doctrine. But the bible does not specifically or indirectly discuss birth control. It does not say it is wrong. Yes, we are to be fruitful and multiple but not everyone is a fruit tree. Some are daffodils one flower and we are done. God did not speak so why add to or take away from the word. I really would like to get my ovaries back before November. I have a great list of things we can debate. Speaking as a woman I don't need or want a bunch of out of touch windbags making a choice for me. You cannot decide what you are for today and against tomorrow. Today birth control is bad for some good for others in respect to whether you are the misses or the mistress. Don't try to legislate my ovaries, my husband and I can handle that. We like our 3 kid family just the way it is. Now I can take 2 sugar pills and call him in the morning or I can be left alone to decide what's best for. The toy market has really improved over the years for women.